Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our New Addition!

Baby Mason is here! Mason Michael Gray was born January 26 at 8:44 p.m. He weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. and was 20 inches long. We are so excited!

I was sent to Labor & Delivery at 10:00 a.m. that morning to be evaluated to see if labor had really started. Out of 20
L & D rooms, we were put into room 306, which was the exact room we were in when we had Madelyn. It's a special place to us!

At 1:00 we were told that we were definitely having a baby today! I'm barely 37 weeks at this point, but they assured us that he was ready to be here. I'm excited and feeling great!

Sweet Mason was born after a pretty short labor and easy delivery. Thanks to the epidural, I never felt any pain at all the entire day. This is our first picture with our little guy!

Can you believe that we have a son? We are so incredibly blessed.

Madelyn met her baby brother the next morning. She warmed up to him quickly. She is already a terrific big sister!

Oh, so sweet. Mason was holding Daddy's finger and Madelyn held hands with them both.

Grammy and Papaw (Angie's parents) fell in love at first sight. They now have 5 grandchildren - 3 girls and 2 boys.

Madelyn held her baby brother for the first time and gave him such a sweet kiss. She loves him already!

Our sweet little boy with his eyes open at 1 day old. He is such a good baby and just sweet as can be.


  1. This is so exciting! Congratulations! You realize you are going to have to change the name of your blog... :)

  2. Congrats you guys! He is beautiful and you have a beautiful family. Can't wait to meet Mason!

    Becky L.

  3. Mason is just as cute as can be. Congrats to the entire Gray family!

    --Laura Jo

  4. Congratulations again guys!!! You did awesome in labor!!! Thank you for letting me share the experience with you both. They are both so beautiful!!

    Jessica Scott RN
