Monday, February 2, 2009

One Week Old!

Happy one week birthday, baby Mason! Oh, how we love this sweet baby boy. Madelyn is the absolute best big sister! She's a great helper and has been so loving to her little brother. We are so thankful for our two little ones!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our New Addition!

Baby Mason is here! Mason Michael Gray was born January 26 at 8:44 p.m. He weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. and was 20 inches long. We are so excited!

I was sent to Labor & Delivery at 10:00 a.m. that morning to be evaluated to see if labor had really started. Out of 20
L & D rooms, we were put into room 306, which was the exact room we were in when we had Madelyn. It's a special place to us!

At 1:00 we were told that we were definitely having a baby today! I'm barely 37 weeks at this point, but they assured us that he was ready to be here. I'm excited and feeling great!

Sweet Mason was born after a pretty short labor and easy delivery. Thanks to the epidural, I never felt any pain at all the entire day. This is our first picture with our little guy!

Can you believe that we have a son? We are so incredibly blessed.

Madelyn met her baby brother the next morning. She warmed up to him quickly. She is already a terrific big sister!

Oh, so sweet. Mason was holding Daddy's finger and Madelyn held hands with them both.

Grammy and Papaw (Angie's parents) fell in love at first sight. They now have 5 grandchildren - 3 girls and 2 boys.

Madelyn held her baby brother for the first time and gave him such a sweet kiss. She loves him already!

Our sweet little boy with his eyes open at 1 day old. He is such a good baby and just sweet as can be.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Yoga Master

Madelyn saw our new yoga mat and immediately wanted to try it out! She entertained us for quite some time showing us her yoga moves (all of which she made up as she went). At one point Dad demonstrated the "downward dog," so she started naming her moves. Our favorite was her "down kitty." She is now our little yoga master!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

4 Weeks To Go . . .

Baby Mason is due to make his arrival in only 4 short weeks . . . wow, time has flown! We are so anxious to meet this little guy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone! Each year gets more and more fun as Madelyn enjoys new aspects of the holidays. We were able to spend a week in Arkansas together with all of her cousins, Grammy, Papaw, Uncle Keynon, Aunt Amy, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Nori. The days were full of laughs, games, and good times!

Our family

The four cousins together - Baby Emma, Garrett, Ivy, and Madelyn

Emma decided she'd had enough of the picture posing!

The weather was unseasonably warm during most of our visit, making it perfect for playing outside. Time for the tricycle races!!

The girls loved racing down the long driveway over and over again.

They bundled up for a wagon ride on a cold day, so grateful to Grammy for pulling them around the yard.

Baby Emma is now 3 months old and very alert! She loved being held by Deb and watching all of the older cousins play. Oh, how she wanted to participate!!

Garrett and Madelyn had a great time playing video games together.

Katie posed for a quick picture with Madelyn.

The cousins made beautiful music together by composing their own songs.

Finally, Christmas Eve arrived, and it was time to sprinkle reindeer food in the front yard. Hopefully Santa would find these sweeties at Grammy and Papaw's house!

There's always time for a quick dance to celebrate the excitement!!

More dancing and jumping!

Madelyn's favorite presents were stuffed animals. She LOVES puppies and kitties!

After the little ones were fast asleep, it was time to ask the question: How many uncles does it take to assemble an art easel? The answer: 2 helpful uncles and 1 encouraging daddy!

Christmas morning was here at last!! Madelyn got what she asked for - a Christmas puppy! Santa brought a Christmas kitty too, so she was super excited!

Winding up for a big soccer kick in the new goal. Hooray!

She proudly showed off her "figure 8" that she drew on the new easel.

What a wonderful Christmas! Above all, we are thankful for family, friends, good health, and the true reason for Christmas. We are looking forward to a fabulous 2009!

White Rock Half Marathon

Daddy ran another half marathon in December, and Madelyn and I were waiting for him at the finish line. As we approached him, Madelyn said, "I hope he winned that race!!" She immediately asked him if he had "winned." He said yes, along with several thousand other people. She was proud of her Daddy!!