Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We enjoyed our annual trip to the pumpkin patch at the Dallas Arboretum, and it was a fantastic morning to see the pumpkins and fall flowers!

Six months pregnant in this photo, but the jacket somewhat hides the growing tummy!

I think it's obvious in this picture just how much fun Madelyn had seeing all the pumpkins. As always, she was a happy and delightful girl.

We even got some good poses from her this year. Although she was anxious to run around and explore, she stopped long enough to give us some good shots!

Our sweet little pumpkin!

Having fun with Daddy. They found a ladybug, rescued a worm from the water, and explored some paths away from the main areas. It was a special day!

She couldn't resist reaching into this small fountain to touch the concrete fish underneath the water.

We asked her to take a picture of us, and she got one that was perfectly centered on the first try! Too bad we forgot to get a family photo!

Notice the "Please Stay Off Rocks" sign next to the rock she's standing on! Oh well, no harm done.

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