Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Madelyn!

Madelyn turned 1 year old on Saturday. Wow, time has flown!! We feel so blessed each and every day to have this special child in our lives. Happy birthday Madelyn!

She had her own cake to taste. She carefully reached for the icing polka dots and ate them one at a time. She thought it was yummy!

"Hmmm, this is good stuff!"

The cakes turned out so pretty. The big one was for the adults and the smaller one was for Madelyn. (But, we finished it off for her!)

Several very special guests joined Madelyn to celebrate her special day, including Mimi, Nana, Aunt Barbara, Grammy, Papaw, Uncle Matt, Aunt Nori, Laura, and Gray.

The Birthday Girl wanted the bow out of her hair!

She loved her new shoes! This sleepy birthday girl skipped her naps and was VERY sleepy by the time the fun was over.

Mommy and Daddy gave Madelyn a baby grand piano. She liked it a lot!

She composed a few masterpieces before the afternoon was over.

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmm...that cake looks sooo good! I'm glad I got to see my baby neice last month! Happy first birthday!
