Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Snowglobes

We are so excited about Christmas! Madelyn loved wearing her new sweater dress from Grammy & Papaw and posing in front of our tree. She has been such a help with placing (and moving) the ornaments and putting out Christmas decorations!

We had some fun at the mall when we went for our Santa visit.

She stopped for a quick pose in front of the water fountains. She loves throwing coins in the water!

We were able to go inside a giant snowglobe where it was "snowing" the entire time. She thought that was pretty neat!

Trying to catch some snowflakes inside the snowglobe.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Visit with Santa Claus

Today we visited Santa Claus! Madelyn was very excited to tell him what she wants for Christmas - a Christmas puppy. (stuffed, not real) It's still the only thing she has asked for, which we think is so sweet. We were excited that she sat beside him without much hesitation. She promised that next year she would even sit on his lap!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Unexpected Entertainment

We awoke yesterday morning to the loud sounds of street repair in front of our house. Madelyn was VERY intrigued! She immediately pulled her little chair to the window and made herself comfortable to watch the men at work.

She stayed put until the first phase of work was done. If only the workers knew what an exciting job they had from the perspective of a three year old!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Carving the Turkey

This year we cooked our first turkey, and Madelyn was anxious to help! It turned out well and tasted delicious. We had turkey leftovers for days.

Madelyn and Daddy surveyed the work to be done. What was the best way to slice Mr. Turkey?

"Here Daddy, I can show you exactly what to do."

"This is fun!"


Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Madelyn helped Mom make turkey cookies for her Thanksgiving party/feast.

Here she is enjoying her turkey cookie with a surprise guest at the feast - Daddy!

The children were SO cute wearing their turkey hats and enjoying their special lunch.

The Dallas Half Marathon

A few weeks ago, Madelyn was at the finish line when Daddy finished the Dallas Half Marathon. He was excited to see us there to celebrate his 13.1 mile run!

Madelyn loves playing with all Dad's medals from his races, so she was excited to see that now she has a new one to wear! We were so proud of him!